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At Tratter, we place significant importance on the work-life balance of our employees, and flexibility in working hours is a standout feature. We provide our employees with the opportunity to flexibly arrange their work hours as long as they are present during the core working hours.

We trust our employees and rely on individual responsibility. There’s no clocking in at the office because we believe that this trust in our employees’ responsibility is of fundamental importance. This allows you to organize your work in line with your personal needs.

Additionally, we allow for remote work, with a prior arrangement with your supervisor and department head being necessary. This flexibility gives our employees the freedom to comfortably work from home when the situation demands it.

The management of breaks is also in your hands. For example, you can take a longer lunch break as long as you meet the daily target working hours. At Tratter, it’s all about promoting the balance between work and life and ensuring that you can harmonize your professional and personal life.