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The term “climate neutrality”, or carbon neutrality, indicates the result of a process that quantifies, reduces and compensates CO2 emissions. For a company this means being responsible for its environmental impact and acting concretely to reduce it significantly.

This reduction is necessary to cope with climate change and its increasingly devastating effects. As a company, we at Tratter are aware that what we do has an impact on the environment around us.

An impact that we want to be as positive as possible. That’s why we enthusiastically joined the “Pact for climate neutrality in South Tyrol”.

This is an agreement, signed in May 2016, under which different parties work together to achieve a series of shared objectives. In particular, cooperating to reduce CO2 emissions by voluntarily adopting appropriate measures.

The pact works thanks to five steps:

  1. measurement, because detection of CO2 emissions is essential for being able to plan their reduction;
  2. reduction, because thanks to energy efficiency policies, use of green technologies and modification of lifestyles, it is possible to reduce superfluous emissions;
  3. compensation, because once superfluous emissions have been reduced, those that are unavoidable are compensated through certification. For this purpose, the Pact provides a portfolio of projects with high standards;
  4. certification, because calculation of a company’s energy footprint is certified according to ISO 14064 certification;
  5. communication, because all the activities carried out within the scope of the Pact are communicated on a special online platform, which allows the networking of experiences and ideas among signatory companies.

An effort towards the environment that makes us proud and satisfied to be part of this community.