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The corporate vegetable garden is one of the places most appreciated by colleagues here at Tratter. We use it to grow farm-to-table vegetables, which are available to all employees. Thus it is not uncommon to see colleagues leave the company at the end of the day with bags full of tomatoes, lettuce, fennel and many other types of herbs and vegetables that we grow in our vegetable garden.

We all are very proud of our vegetable garden. Not only because it gives us the feeling of contributing to the ecology of our city, providing us with farm-to-table vegetables, but also because it is a space open to all, which everyone looks after.

Perhaps this is the most extraordinary thing about our vegetable garden, the fact that it is a common space felt as belonging to all colleagues. Taking part in a collective effort to grow and make something prosper that benefits everyone is a way of sharing the corporate philosophy and creating that ecological awareness we are proud to embody in everything we do.